Ladies…we’ve been let down. We have not received enough education about what can happen to our nether regions as we age. My purpose is purely education and awareness. I am not a doctor but what I’ve learned I must share. The level of fear I felt when I learned this forced immediate action. I’m not embarrassed to say that before I got serious about understanding my pelvic floor I had never heard or understood what PROLAPSE is, but now I believe it is the one word all women must understand and work towards preventing. For most women the first time they hear this word is AFTER it happens to them. This must change.
What is Pelvic Organ Prolapse?
Here’s the simple definition. It means one (or more) of your pelvic organs have literally fallen out of place inside your body. Yep! Your bladder, uterus and rectum are the organs I’m talking about. When the organ falls out of place it takes up space inside your vagina. Most woman describe it as a “bulge”. Are your eyes bulging right now?
How does this happen?
The pelvic organs are supported by a critical “shelf” or “hammock” of muscles called the pelvic floor. If these muscles are not able to do their job, prolapse can be the result.
Prolapse can be mild or severe. When it’s mild (stage 1-2), the bulge is higher up inside the vagina. When it’s severe (stage 3), the bulge can go all the way down to the vagina opening and I’m sorry to say this….but when it’s the most severe (stage 4) the bulge comes out the opening of your vagina. Ladies…this means it is external!
Read this slowly and carefully!
If your prolapse is mild there is a good chance you don’t even know you have it. In other cases you may be shocked to find out that a prolapse can actually occur while you are going about your day. Out of nowhere…boom… you literally feel the organ(s) fall! We’ve had clients at UROSPOT who can describe the moment their prolapse happened. One was standing at her island cooking dinner, 12 years after having her last baby….and boom….she felt her organ fall out of place! Another woman was doing a lot of high impact, high intensity exercises with a personal trainer…and boom….her organs prolapsed at the same time!
Why don’t we know about this?!
What are the chances this could happen to me?
This is the reason I want to spread the word. Up to 50% of women over 50 experience prolapse. This is the heartbreaking truth. Prolapse happens to one in two of us but most of us have no idea what it is, what puts us at risk and most importantly how to prevent it.
Here’s what you need to know. There are 3 types of prolapse
- Uterine Prolapse – The uterus actually descends into the vagina or the cervix ends up sitting lower in the vagina than normal
- Rectal Prolapse is called Rectocele – The rectum creates the bulge in the vagina but the vaginal wall still covers the organ
- Bladder Prolapse is called Cystocele – it means the bladder creates a bulge in the vagina with the vaginal wall covering the bladder as it bulges.
What does Prolapse feel like?
The words we hear the most as women describe prolapse is a “heaviness” or “aching” inside their pelvis. In a stage 3-4 prolapse – the more severe – women describe a feeling of something falling out or coming out of their vagina.
Will prolapse get worse?
This has to be the scariest question for women with prolapse. The last thing we want to hear is that we have prolapse let alone that it’s getting worse. Here are 4 steps you can take to prevent prolapse or stabilize it if you already have prolapse:
- Strengthening your pelvic floor is a must. At UROSPOT we can accomplish this rapidly with The Kegel Throne.
- Stay regular! Constipation can cause pelvic organ prolapse, and it’s also a symptom that happens because of prolapse. It’s key to avoid straining when you poop.
- Take a load off! Lifting, pulling and straining can make things worse. It helps to not be on your feet for long periods of time. When you work out try low impact versus high impact exercises.
- Stop smoking and watch your weight. Smoking makes you cough which makes pelvic floor symptoms worse, and it weakens the tissues around your pelvic muscles. Extra weight also puts more pressure on your pelvic floor.
My goal is to maintain my independence as long as I can. My treatment at UROSPOT put an end to the bladder leaks I suffered immensely from. However….what I’m more excited about is using the Kegel Throne at UROSPOT to help prevent prolapse. I’m 45 and the clock is ticking. The rapid muscle strengthening that occurred in just 3 weeks (and continues to occur) is the way I am taking action to keep prolapse at bay.
What can you do now?
- Share this with the women in your life. We all need to know about prolapse. How to prevent it. How to stabilize it.
- Take action now! Follow the four steps above. If you want to rapidly and radically strengthen your pelvic floor come in for a consult at UROSPOT. Our experience includes a thorough consultation with lots of education. In just 3 weeks UROSPOT can make major changes in your life.