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UROSPOT | The facts.

UROSPOT | Testimonial.

“I am so excited about this new kegel chair technology for women's health. The process is easy and comfortable and best of all, produces amazing results. The space is beautiful, the staff are professional and the experience feels luxurious rather than invasive.”

- UROSPOT Client

“I am already seeing benefits after only two sessions at UROSPOT. I can’t wait to see how this continues but I am thrilled already. The consultation was informative, professional and answered all my questions. Couldn’t have been a more positive experience"

- UROSPOT ClientAfter two sessions

“My experience at UROSPOT has been so positive. After only two sessions in the kegel chair, I am sleeping through the night and can drive from London to Toronto without stopping to use the restroom. The staff made me feel super comfortable and the space is beautiful".

- UROSPOT ClientAfter two sessions

“Two big sneezes and no leaks after only 2 sessions. I can’t believe it. Thank you UROSPOT.”

- UROSPOT ClientAfter two sessions

“2 coffees before a long car drive and I didn’t have to go to the bathroom for hours!”

- UROSPOT Client

“After one treatment, I had NO leaks last night. This morning already I have moved four 50lb bags and NO leaks!!”

- UROSPOT ClientAfter one session

“Walking around in a big city this weekend, I wasn’t constantly looking around for a restroom. Thanks to 11,000 kegels!”

- UROSPOT Client

“I haven’t been able to sleep on my back because of pressure in my pelvis. After my first session at UROSPOT, I slept through the night on my back for the FIRST TIME in 10 YEARS!!”

- UROSPOT ClientOne day after first session

“ I feel like I’ve gained 20 years on my life”

- UROSPOT ClientFour months after treatment

“ No more waking to pee. I sleep soundly through the entire night!”

- UROSPOT Client

"The six sessions that I have had at UROSPOT have profoundly changed my life. There are many challenges that I had to face, and undoubtedly there will be many more. Still, urinary incontinence and the tremendous pain of a prolapsed uterus are no longer a concern for daily living. Deep gratitude as I step confidently into an exercise class, knowing I can do jumping jacks without hesitation. I have also felt so well cared for and nourished by the whole team at UROSPOT. If it takes a village, I am certainly glad to have found this one (and the Kegel chair). Here's to wishing you every ongoing success."

- UROSPOT Client

“Getting rid of my frequent urge to pee has changed my life but feeling strong everywhere “down there” has given me even more confidence. I booked my first maintenance session yesterday!”

- UROSPOT Clientafter 6 sessions

“I am very pleased with my results. The freedom that has come back into my life is amazing! Wish I had found this sooner! xxoo”

- UROSPOT Clientafter 6 sessions

“The throne worked! No more sneeze and squirt. THANK YOU!”

- UROSPOT Clientafter 6 sessions

“I have experienced some “extra” positive benefits finishing treatment two months ago. My core is stronger and my bowel movements are better after my Freedom Sessions at UROSPOT…”

- UROSPOT Clientafter 6 sessions

“YAY! So much better after 6 sessions! Coughing and sneezing – NO PROBLEM! Thank you for bringing this innovation to life!”

- UROSPOT Clientafter 6 sessions
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